Service Animal
21 February 2023

Service Animals In Training Will Soon Be Permit...

On May 12, 2022, Michigan passed Public Act 75 of 2022 (the “Act”). This Act amended Michigan’s Penal Code to require places of public accommodation to modify their policies, practices, and procedures to permit the use of a service animal in training. Previously, only service animals themselves were required to be accommodated under Michigan law. […]

27 December 2022

Silenced No More: New Law Protects Employees Wh...

Taking another step forward in the #MeToo movement, Congress recently passed a new law—the Speak Out Act—banning employers nationwide from using blanket non-disclosure or non-disparagement agreements or policies against employees who come forward with allegations of sexual harassment or assault.  However, the law does not ban employers from entering into standard confidentiality agreements with current […]

14 December 2022

Episode 32 – HR Lessons From Elon Musk’s ...

Miller Johnson attorneys Rebecca Strauss and Sarah Willey examine Elon Musk’s first month of owning Twitter and look for the lessons to come out of the firings, rehirings, “hardcore” ultimatums, work from home policy changes and performance reviews. You can also listen to this and future episodes by subscribing to “The Lawyers Off the Clock” […]

29 November 2022

Pumping Through Work: The FLSA and Nursing Mothers

Maternal and paternal leave have been common topics of conversation, and sometimes debate, in the U.S. for years. Yet, little discussion occurs around how to welcome new parents back after leave. Mothers, especially nursing mothers, face unique challenges in their return to the workplace. It is important that employers understand nursing mothers’ rights under federal […]

16 November 2022

Episode 31 – What New DOL Independent Con...

In less than 15 minutes, Miller Johnson attorneys Rebecca Strauss  and Sarah Willey get right to the point to explain what you need to know about the new rule. You can also listen to this and future episodes by subscribing to “The Lawyers Off the Clock” podcast on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Google Podcasts

Parental Leave
15 November 2022

Paid Parental Leave: What to Consider When You’...

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.  Thirty years after Dr. John Gray published his famous relationship book, the planets have aligned to largely take the phrase out of orbit—for a number of reasons.  Among other explanations, society has overhauled how it thinks and talks about sex and gender—and the associated roles.  Add in […]

01 November 2022

Election Season: What Employers Should Know Abo...

It’s midterm season. Signs of the upcoming election are everywhere. Commercials on tv and radio. Signs at every intersection. Text messages. So many text messages. HOW DID THEY GET MY NUMBER?!? Sorry . . . we’ll save that for another time. Back on topic: it’s news to no one that November 8 is the day […]

26 October 2022

Episode 30 – Animals at Work: How HR Shou...

Miller Johnson attorneys Rebecca Strauss and Sarah Willey walk through how employee requests to bring their pets to work should be handled and some creative solutions to deal with the desire for animals in the workplace. You can also listen to this and future episodes by subscribing to “The Lawyers Off the Clock” podcast on: […]

18 October 2022

Unions On The March While The Board Bangs The Drum

With big recent wins at Amazon, Starbucks, Chipotle, Trader Joe’s, and a favorable economic and political climate, right now the wind is in the sails of the labor movement. Those winds are likely to grow stronger as the current leadership of the National Labor Relations Board identifies opportunities to revisit and recast decisions in order […]

12 October 2022

Episode 29 – Cleaning The COVID-19 Closet...

Miller Johnson attorneys Sarah Willey and Rebecca Strauss discuss where Michigan employers stand with COVID-19 rules, including vaccines, what to do when a worker has COVID-19 or is exposed, if sick workers have to be paid and if you can require an employee to take a COVID-19 test. You can also listen to this and […]