Miller Johnson maintains a team of international practitioners with experience in International transactions. This group has a history of working with clients for both inbound and outbound transactions.
The Practice Group’s experience includes the following areas:
- Contracting the Global Marketplace
- Contracts with Foreign Representatives
- Customs
- Establishing a presence abroad
- Export / Import Controls
- Foreign Sales Companies
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Intellectual Property Rights on International Basis
- International Aviation Transactions
- International Joint Ventures
- International Environmental Law
- International Distribution Transactions
- International Litigations
- International Internet Transactions
- International Franchising
- International Tax Planning
- International Commercial Dispute Resolution
- Laws Regulating Foreign Investments
- Letters of Credit
- Litigation with Foreign Governments
- Remedies Against Unfair International Trade Practices
- Technology License Agreements
In this age of the shrinking globe, international transactions are becoming more and more common. The European union, the opening up of China, the South American opportunities and NAFTA are all examples of the growing and compelling need for companies to be operating on the international stage. As always, proper planning is the key to a successful international transaction. The philosophy of the International Practice Group is to work closely with the client at the planning stages and to help as needed with a successful implementation of the international transaction.