14 November 2023

Holiday Pay Refreshers

With the holidays around the corner, tis the season for a refresher on holiday pay laws and best practices! In general, the Fair Labor Standards Act does not require private employers to provide holiday pay. There are certain rare exceptions for private employers with federal contracts who are covered by the labor standards of the […]

Fair Labor Standards Act Blog
02 May 2023

Form Matters: Are Your Highly Compensated Emplo...

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), most employees in the United States must be paid at least the federal minimum wage and overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a workweek. However, there are some exceptions, including an exemption for highly compensated employees. Under the FLSA, one is a highly compensated employee if […]

Summer Scheduling
14 June 2022

Summer Schedules That Work for Everyone

With lakes, beaches, and cabins beckoning, few people enjoy spending Michigan’s magnificent summers in the office or on the factory floor. What to do when half your workforce wants Fridays off? Summertime offers a great chance for employers to use flexible scheduling to show their commitment to their employees, which can boost employee morale and […]

Lifeguard on Beach
14 June 2022

Summer [Working], Had Me a Blast . . .

Summer is here and school is out. For many kids that means it’s time for a summer job. (Not everyone can have the kind of carefree summer that Danny and Sandy did . . .) Michigan employers who hire these kids—expected to be about a quarter million this summer—are subject to the state’s Youth Employment […]

FLSA: Exemptions, Worktime, and Other Challenging FLSA Issues
20 February 2020

Protecting FLSA Exemption Status

FLSA exemption status always seems to cause a little bit of queasiness.  Many clients with whom we speak are concerned that they’re going to do one little thing incorrectly that will cause their exempt employees to lose their exemption status and will require the employer to pay ungodly amounts of unpaid wages and overtime.  Of […]

Department of Labor Headquarters
23 January 2020

Department of Labor Publishes New Joint Employe...

On January 13, 2020, the Department of Labor issued a new rule revising the test for determining “joint employer” status.  The final rule was published in the Federal Register on January 16, 2020, and becomes effective 60 days from that date. To provide context, the DOL and the Courts long ago concluded that two separate companies can […]

State Capital in Lansing
31 October 2019

Next Stop on the Overtime Roller Coaster: Michigan

On October 24, Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced a sweeping and expansive proposal to extend overtime protections to hundreds of thousands of Michigan’s workers.  The proposal, which is technically a “Request for Rulemaking” to amend the Michigan Administrative Code, calls on the Wage and Hour Division to change the salary test for employees to “better […]