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Earlier this year, Illinois passed the Paid Leave for All Workers Act, or PLAWA. PLAWA covers most employers that have employees who work in Illinois. The nuts and bolts of PLAWA are detail-heavy, but the sticking points are that Illinois employees are entitled to 1 hour of paid time off for every 40 hours they work in a 12-month period. Employers are not required to grant more than 40 hours of paid leave in that period, but employees are also allowed to take that leave for any reason – generally, no questions asked.
PLAWA, in its final form, left many questions unanswered – especially for employers who already offered 40 hours of paid leave to employees. Recently, the Illinois Department of Labor, or IDOL, released proposed regulations to implement PLAWA. Because the regulations must go through comments and final approval, the final regulations will not take effect until after PLAWA itself takes effect on January 1, 2024. But IDOL’s proposed regulations offer employers insight as to how IDOL plans to enforce the law. So, let’s address some of the answers IDOL provided to major questions raised by the statute.
A. Yes, for at least two reasons.
A. No. IDOL’s proposed regulations provide that a “qualifying pre-existing paid leave policy” does not need to be changed. A “qualifying pre-existing paid leave policy” is a pre-January 1, 2024 policy that, in practice, allows all employees to take at least 40 hours of paid leave for any reason. It is assumed, but ultimately unclear, whether IDOL intended that definition to read “at least 40 hours of paid leave, or a pro-rated amount for employees who earn less, for any reason.”
A. January 1, 2024 for current employees, and immediately upon hire for new employees after that date (but the leave can’t be used until 90 days after it initially begins to accrue). Employers may frontload PLAW leave or use an accrual method. Interestingly, IDOL requires accrual to be granted based on 15-minute increments, with partial increments always rounded up. For example, if a non-exempt employee worked 39 hours and 46 minutes in a week, IDOL would consider that 40 hours, not 39.75 hours, thus entitling the employee to 1 hour of PLAW leave. (Note: overtime exempt employees are assumed to work 40 hours in a week unless their actual hours worked are fewer.)
A. If PLAW leave is frontloaded, it does not need to be carried over. PLAWA requires all PLAW leave to be carried over from 12-month period to 12-month period if leave is granted on an accrual basis. But IDOL’s regulations allow employers to cap that amount at 80 hours. Regardless, employees are only entitled to use 40 hours in a 12-month period.
A. Yes. Employers can require employees to take PLAW leave in at least 2-hour increments. IDOL’s regulations do allow employees to use PLAW leave in 1-hour increments thereafter. And if the scheduled work day is less than 2 hours, employees can use an increment that matches the size of the work day.
A. No. IDOL’s regulations grant the employee the right to use PLAW leave before or after any other employer-provided leave.
A. Yes, but only in limited situations where denial is warranted because of “operational needs.” Employers who wish to use this option must have a written policy that explains how leave requests are considered and why they may be denied. Employers also need to consider whether the employee provides a critical health, safety, or welfare function for the public, whether similarly situated employees are subjected to the same leave request review, whether granting the leave would significantly impact business operations, and whether the employee otherwise has a chance to use the leave. If an employer denies leave for operational needs, it must provide a written explanation to the employee and retain a copy.
A. There are several, including:
A. PLAWA treats local ordinances (or laws) differently based on when they are passed.
A. For the most part, no. However, remember that the pre-existing policy must allow employees to take leave for any reason, so it must comply with Question/Answer 7. And there are still notice of coverage requirements, as explained Question/Answer 9. Employers who do not currently have a qualifying pre-existing paid leave policy may wish to consider implementing such a policy before January 1, 2024.
For further information, employers may wish to review the 30-page IDOL proposed regulations document. Or, perhaps more helpfully, consult IDOL’s PLAWA FAQ – or legal counsel.
Contact the author Adam Walker.