Ed Blog Post Teacher Desk
27 January 2021

Deadline Extended for Michigan Public Schools t...

In a previous communication, clients were notified of an upcoming deadline relative to the opportunity to participate in a proposed IRS closing agreement for 3% retiree healthcare contributions.  The substance of the issue was summarized on Miller Johnson’s Education Law Blog and is accessible for review here. Miller Johnson has now received information from the […]

Ed Blog Post Teacher Desk
21 January 2021

Upcoming Deadline for Michigan Public Schools t...

February 5, 2021 is the deadline for Michigan public school districts to submit a Form 2848 to the State of Michigan Office of Retirement Services (“ORS”) to participate in and be covered by the proposed IRS closing agreement related to 3% retiree healthcare contributions.  Michigan public school employees who did not opt out of retiree […]

Michigan Supreme Court
30 December 2020

Michigan Supreme Court Upholds Aid for Nonpubli...

On December 28, 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled 3‑3 in Council of Organizations & Others for Ed. About Parochiaid v State, Docket No. 158751, leaving in place the decision of the Court of Appeals to permit certain funds to be disbursed to Michigan’s nonpublic schools.  Under MCL 388.1752b, funds were reimbursed to nonpublic schools […]

US Capitol Building in Washington DC
22 December 2020

No Mandatory Paid Sick Leave Extension in 2021

On December 21, 2020, Congress passed an appropriations bill package providing additional coronavirus relief.  The legislation, spanning more than 5,500 pages, is a colossal undertaking that is still being dissected by experts.  One question at the forefront of school administrators’ minds in recent weeks was whether Congress would extend the mandatory paid leave provisions under […]

Potter Stewart Courthouse 6th Circuit
21 December 2020

University of Michigan Wins Title IX Case

The University of Michigan recently prevailed in an 8‑6 Title IX en banc decision that split the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.  The facts of the case, Foster v Bd of Regents of Univ of Mich,       F3d      ; No. 19‑1314 (CA 6, 2020), are relatively straightforward.  Rebecca Foster was enrolled in the University’s Executive MBA […]

Michigan Court of Appeals Building Interior
25 November 2020

Plaintiff Loses in Public-Building Design Defec...

In a recent unpublished opinion, Davis v. Flint Community Schools et al., the Michigan Court of Appeals dismissed a case filed after a student was injured at school, finding that governmental immunity applied to the teacher and school district.  The case involved injuries to a student, Dishon Davis, sustained in a classroom.  Dishon, a six‑year […]

American Flag in a breeze
02 November 2020

The Daily Pledge of Allegiance During Virtual L...

Almost a decade ago, the Michigan Legislature required that school districts give students an opportunity to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each school day and display a flag where the pledge is recited. See MCL 380.1347a. This obligation has generally been easy to meet – until the era of COVID-19. With many students learning remotely, […]

Ed Blog Post Teacher Desk
23 October 2020

Court Denies Teacher’s Appeal in Case of Studen...

In a recent unpublished case, JB ex rel. Barnes v. Detroit Public School District et al., the Michigan Court of Appeals affirmed the denial of a teacher’s attempt to dismiss a case filed by a student whose finger was severed while at school.  The court reasoned that the case had not been sufficiently developed and […]

Ed Law Blog Post Remote Meetings
09 October 2020

Electronic Board Meetings Gain Senate Approval,...

Yesterday, the Michigan Senate approved Bill No. 1108, addressing electronic meetings under the Open Meetings Act (MCL 15.263). If signed into law, public bodies will be permitted to meet remotely – by telephonic or video conferencing – under specific circumstances, including when a statewide or local state of emergency is declared and there is risk to the personal health […]

Ed Law Blog Student Hands
06 October 2020

U.S. Department of Education Issues Pandemic Er...

On September 28, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) issued guidance, in the form of a Q&A document, to address questions surrounding the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in the COVID-19 environment.  The document incorporates questions regarding the initial evaluation process, annual IEP team meetings, […]