03 June 2020

At Their Discretion, School Districts May Still Carry Opioid Antagonists


Recently, the Michigan Legislature repealed Section 1179b of the Revised School Code which addressed the administration of opioid antagonists by school employees to persons believed to be experiencing an opioid-related overdose.  In its place, the Administration of Opioid Antagonists Act, MCL 15.671, et seq. was passed.  The new Act still permits school districts to possess and administer opioid antagonists.  However, there are two key differences:

  • Under the Act, a school district may, at its discretion, provide a functioning opioid antagonist to an employee or agent who has been trained to administer opioid antagonists; and
  • School districts that distribute opioid antagonists to employees or agents are no longer required to have written policies or procedures addressing how opioid antagonists are obtained or stored, or the manner in which school district personnel are trained to administer them.

School districts, as well as their employees and agents, are still protected against civil and criminal damages if they administer opioid antagonists in good faith.  The full language of the Act can be found here.