Title IX: New Regulations, New Frontier

K-12 Title IX Training and Resource Package

On August 1, 2024, the new Title IX regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Education will go into effect.  As you may have heard, a Kansas court is expected to enjoin the USDOE from enforcing the 2024 regulations against nine K-12 school buildings in Michigan; however, outside of those schools, OCR has indicated that it intends to begin enforcing the new regulations on their effective date.

To assist K-12 schools in their efforts to comply with the new regulations, Miller Johnson has compiled model policies, resources, and training videos, which will be available before the regulations go into effect.  All resources will be available by July 19, 2024, and training videos will be available by July 26, 2024.

Costs Breakdown:

  • Tier I: Awareness Video (for all employees) – $400
  • Tier II: Policy, Resources, and Awareness training (for all employees) – $1,500
  • Tier III: Policy, Resources, and all trainings (includes all employees and Title IX Coordinator training) – $2,000

Tier I: Awareness Video – The new regulations require that all employees receive Title IX training on specific topics, which this training provides.

Tier II: Tier I, plus a model policy and resource materials, including:

  • K-12 Title IX Policy (required by 2024 regulations)
  • Notice of Non-Discrimination (required by 2024 regulations)
  • Complaint Form
  • Informal Resolution Notification and Agreement
  • Template Response Emails to Reports of Sex Discrimination
  • Notice of Complaint to Complainant/Respondent
  • Notice of Dismissal to Complainant/Respondent
  • Notice of Emergency Removal and Right to Appeal
  • K-12 Title IX Flowchart
  • Title IX Coordinator Report and Response Tracking Document
  • Title IX Complaint Tracking Form
  • Confidential Employee Notice Form

Tier III: Tier I, Tier II, and Title IX Coordinator training video/PowerPoint.  The new regulations require even further training for Title IX Coordinators, their designees, and others who play a role in the Title IX grievance procedure



Post-Secondary Pre-Sale Information Below:


Post-Secondary Title IX Training and Resource Package

Costs Breakdown:

  • Tier I: Awareness Video (for all employees) – $1,000
  • Tier II: Policy, Resources, and Awareness training (for all employees) – $2,500
  • Tier III: Policy, Resources, and all trainings (includes all employees and Title IX Coordinator training) – $3,000

The new Title IX regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Education will go into effect on August 1, 2024.  It is essential that Michigan post-secondary schools (absent any court action) are prepared to comply with these new regulations by the deadline because the USDOE will enforce these regulations.  As such, the Miller Johnson law firm has compiled policies, resources, and training videos available to post-secondary schools to purchase in order to best be prepared BEFORE the regulations go into effect.

Tier I: Awareness Video – all employees are required to receive Title IX training annually by the new regulations, which this product suffices.

Tier II: Tier I PLUS policy and resources materials, as follows:

  • Post-Secondary Title IX Policy(ies)
  • Complaint Form
  • Notice of Complaint to Complainant/Respondent
  • Notice of Dismissal to Complainant/Respondent
  • Notice of Emergency Removal and Right to Appeal
  • Informal Resolution Notification/Agreement
  • Post-Secondary Title IX Flowchart
  • Title IX Coordinator Tracking Document
  • Complainant Notification of Title IX Rights
  • Complaint Triggering Grievance Procedures
  • Confidential Employee Guide Form

Tier III: Tier I, Tier II, and Title IX Coordinator training video/PowerPoint.  The new regulations require even further training for Title IX Coordinators and designees.


For all general questions about our Title IX resources, please contact any member of the MJEdLaw Practice.

Education Practice Members include: 

Kevin Suttonsuttonk@millerjohnson.com

Bob Schindlerschindlerr@millerjohnson.com

Cathy Traceytraceyc@millerjohnson.com

Kevin Feldmanfeldmanc@millerjohnson.com

Adam Blaylockblaylocka@millerjohnson.com