October 25, 2021 New and Final EEO-1 Filing Deadline
An EEO-1 Report must be submitted by all private sector employers with at least 100 employees, federal contractors with 50 or more employees, and a comparable report by certain types of public employers. Now known as EEO-1 Component 1, this data submission has been required for over 50 years.
Earlier this year, the EEOC had stated that private sector employers would be required to submit their workforce data starting in April 2021. EEOC then pushed this deadline to August 23, 2021. Since employers (and the EEOC) were overwhelmed by the impact of the COVID-19 public health emergency, there was no EEO-1 filing for 2019 data. Because covered employers were given a pass last year, this year employers must submit workforce data for both 2019 and 2020.
The EEOC recently made a further announcement regarding the timing for filing EEO-1 reports. The EEOC stated:
“Recognizing the continuing impact of the pandemic on business operations, the deadline to submit and certify 2019 and 2020 EEO-1 Component 1 Reports HAS BEEN CHANGED. The new filing deadline is NOW Monday, October 25, 2021.
Please note that this new deadline is the FINAL DEADLINE and all eligible filers MUST submit data by this date. No additional changes to the filing deadline will be made.”
Filers can visit https://EEOCdata.org/eeo1 for additional information.
We will keep you updated with further developments.