
10 November 2023

Right to Work Repeal Will Go Into Effect February 12, 2024

On Thursday the Michigan legislature decided to adjourn for this year early, passing a resolution that sets the official “sine die” adjournment date for Tuesday, November 14.

As a result, any new legislation signed by Governor Whitmer this term that was passed without immediate effect will become effective on February 12, 2024—90 days following adjournment.

This includes, among others, the repeal of Michigan’s Right to Work law.

Accordingly, beginning February 12, private sector employers and unions in Michigan will be permitted to negotiate and/or enforce collective bargaining agreements with union security clauses that require workers to pay union dues as a condition of employment.

If you have any questions about what the repeal of “Right to Work” may mean for your workplace, please don’t hesitate to contact a Miller Johnson labor attorney.