
04 November 2022

Choose Wisely: Select Uncoordinated (Primary) Unlimited Pip Coverage

In the new world of “PIP choice,” consumers can now choose how much PIP (primarily medical coverage) to carry on their no-fault insurance policies.  Depending upon eligibility, some are choosing only $50,000; others are selecting $250,000 or $500,000; and many have wisely continued with unlimited lifetime coverage.  Still others have decided to exclude medical coverage altogether.  The less coverage a consumer chooses, the lower the premium payments.  But with these choices come serious consequences.  If someone or their loved one is catastrophically injured in a motor vehicle accident, they’ll want the best coverage available to cover all medical expenses.  You get what you pay for and nothing is more important than our long-term health and well-being.

If a consumer selects less than unlimited no-fault coverage on their insurance policy and the medical expenses following a motor vehicle accident exceed the coverage selection, the injured person will need to look elsewhere for payment of the medical expenses.  This applies to any family members covered under the policy as well.  If the insured carries secondary health coverage, that coverage might pay some of the expenses but health coverage is only as good as the health plan’s coverage terms and is only in place while it lasts.  Unlike unlimited lifetime no-fault benefits, health coverage is not unlimited and is not there for your lifetime.  If the injured person does not carry secondary health coverage, then they may need to use their personal assets to cover the expenses until they’ve exhausted those assets, possibly forcing bankruptcy and/or causing the injured person to attempt to qualify for Medicaid.

The risks are too high not to protect yourself:  buy uncoordinated (primary) unlimited no-fault PIP benefits if you can afford it.

If you have any questions about the no-fault coverage you should be purchasing, please contact Dick Hillary or any of the attorneys in Miller Johnson’s Medical Recovery Group for questions at  We are here to help.