Virtual Workshops
On-Demand Training & Tools
Miller Johnson offers its clients a host of services and resources beyond the performance of legal work. These resources include virtual workshop training and materials for purchase.
Earned Sick Time Act
ESTA Training Materials
We provide employers with real, practical guidance about the ESTA and our training materials includes a sample ESTA-compliant policy and a reference flowchart of the interaction between ESTA, FMLA, PWFA, ADA, etc.
What’s Included?:
- Sample ESTA-Compliant Policy
- Reference Flowchart of interaction between ESTA, FMLA, PWFA, ADA, etc.
ESTA Training Materials & On-Demand Video Training
Get the ESTA Training Materials
We provide employers with real, practical guidance about the ESTA and our training materials includes a sample ESTA-compliant policy and a reference flowchart of the interaction between ESTA, FMLA, PWFA, ADA, etc.
Watch and Learn
In this one-hour workshop presentation, we cover the Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA) that is scheduled to go into effect on February 21, 2025, the differences between the ESTA and the Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act, their overlap, any guidance we’ve seen from the state, and of course what you should be doing about it all.
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
PWFA Toolkit
We provide employers with real, practical guidance about the Act and a toolkit that includes: a reference guide; sample policy; sample medical forms; and tools for employers to use to navigate the interactive process, evaluate whether a potential accommodation presents an undue hardship, and analyze requests in light of the varying requirements under the ADA, PWFA, FMLA, and PUMP!
PWFA Toolkit & On-Demand Video Training
Watch & Learn
Watch our one-hour presentation explaining what you need to know about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.
Get the Toolkit
We provide employers with real, practical guidance about the Act and a toolkit that includes:
- PWFA Reference Guide
- Sample PWFA Accommodation For Pregnancy Policy
- PWFA Medical Verification Form
- Listing of Examples of Employee Requests, and guidance on how to analyze the request under the PWFA
- Undue hardship analysis tool
- Flow chart, demonstrating how to analyze an employee’s PWFA accommodation request
- PWFA Leadership Training Slide Deck
Fair Labor Standard Act: Overtime Salary Thresholds
Understanding FLSA Changes
In April the U.S. Department of Labor released its final rule significantly increasing the salary threshold used to determine whether a worker is exempt from overtime pay. The new initial threshold increase is slated to go into effect July 1, 2024. A second increase will take effect on January 1, 2025.
We provide information and material covering:
- Details of the new regulations
- Updates on litigation challenging the regulations
- Steps for compliance, and;
- Options for timekeeping and paying newly non-exempt employees
Watch and learn
Watch a 90-minute training video to get up to speed on what’s new with the FLSA.
What’s included?
- Draft Policy -FLSA OT White Collar Regulations
- Flow Chart – Analysis of FLSA White Collar Exemptions
- Flow Chart – Implementing the 2024 FLSA Regulations
- Template Letter To Employees
- Presentation Handout
Miller Johnson Training and Guidance
Our Training and Guidance products are derived from original work we provide our clients on a daily basis. These proprietary offerings address a wide range of legal issues and give you an on-demand library of starting point documents, compliance kits, training, and service programs.
These offerings, individually or collectively, allow you to put legal, regulatory and risk management compliance into service immediately or serve as the foundation for your customization and strategic planning.