Gov. Whitmer Announces MDHHS Order Updates
Today, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced an accelerated end to several MDHHS COVID-19 Orders. Effective Tuesday, June 22, 2021, MDHHS’s June 1st Gatherings and Mask Order will be rescinded. This means that indoor and outdoor capacity restrictions will be removed, and MDHHS will no longer require residents to wear a face mask during indoor gatherings.
In addition to the Gatherings and Mask Order, several other MDHHS Orders will also be rescinded on June 22nd, including:
- Temporary Restrictions for Entry into Congregate Care and Juvenile Justice Facilities
- Mandatory Testing for Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ Juvenile Justice Facility Staff
- Mandatory Testing for Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Hospitals and Centers Staff
- Exceptions to Temporary Restrictions to Entry into Congregate Care and Juvenile Justice Facilities
- Exceptions to Temporary Restrictions on Entry into Certain Facilities
- Safe Housing for Housing Unstable Individuals
- Handling of Bodily Remains
- Safe Housing for Michigan Homeless
You can find a copy of the MDHHS Rescission Order here:
MDHHS’s Rescission Order does not include several MDHHS Orders, which will remain in place, such as:
- Mandatory Testing, Preventative Measures, and Safe Housing for Agricultural Workers (eff. June 11, 2021)
- Requirements for Residential Care Facilities (eff. May 21, 2021)
- Testing in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Homes for the Aged, and Adult Foster Care Facilities (eff. May 5, 2021)
- Mandatory Testing for Prison Staff (eff. February 10, 2021)
- Hospital Visitation (eff. June 3, 2020)
You can access all MDHHS COVID-19 Epidemic Orders here:,9753,7-406-98178_98455-533660–,00.html
Also absent from today’s announcement was mention of MIOSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Rules, which were revised in May 2021. As a reminder, the MIOSHA COVID-19 Emergency Rules require employers to take various steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, including:
- Conducting a daily entry self-screening protocol for all employees or contractors entering the workplace, including a questionnaire covering symptoms of suspected or confirmed exposure to people with possible COVID-19.
- Ensuring all employees, except fully vaccinated employees, remain at least 6 feet from one another to the maximum extent feasible while on worksite premises,
- Requiring employees, except fully vaccinated employees, to wear face coverings when the employee cannot consistently maintain 6 feet of separation from other individuals indoors in the workplace.
- Requiring employers to implement quarantine and isolation protocols to respond to suspected or confirmed cases or exposure to people with COVID-19.
You can find a copy of MIOSHA’s Emergency Rules here:
We understand that MIOSHA plans to make an announcement regarding planned amendments to its current Rules, which will more closely align with federal OSHA’s recently updated Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for Healthcare and federal OSHA’s recently updated guidance for all workplaces.
You can find a copy of federal OSHA’s ETS for Healthcare here:
You can find a copy of federal OSHA’s updated guidance for all workplaces here: