
PWFA Virtual Workshop #3

Event Phone: 616-831-1821

This workshop will provide a comprehensive review of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.

Miller Johnson is happy to present our Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Virtual Workshop featuring Jessica Swartz, Sandy Andre, Leigh Schultz, and Saniya Khare. Due to the success of our June 5th and June 11th workshop we have added a third date, June 19th for a virtual interactive workshop. Each workshop includes our PWFA Toolkit which contains materials that will help you comply with the Act.

We’ll be covering the PWFA’s key definitions, the EEOC’s final regulations, examples of reasonable accommodations, and prohibited practices. We’ll also be providing employers with real, practical guidance about the Act and a toolkit that includes: a reference guide; sample policy; sample medical forms; and tools for employers to use to navigate the interactive process, evaluate whether a potential accommodation presents an undue hardship, and analyze requests in light of the varying requirements under the ADA, PWFA, FMLA, and PUMP!

If you are unable to attend either workshop, our PWFA Toolkit will also be available for purchase.

Each workshop presentation contains:

  • Live Q+A Session
  • Legal Advice
  • Presentation Handouts
  • Toolkit


PWFA Toolkit Information:

The Miller Johnson PWFA Toolkit is included with all workshop registrations.

The PWFA toolkit will also be available for purchase for $150.

Toolkit includes:

  • Reference guide
  • Sample PWFA Policy
  • Medical form
  • Template slide deck for training your leaders on the PWFA
  • Listing of Examples of Employee Requests, and guidance on how to analyze the request under the PWFA
  • Undue hardship analysis tool
  • Flow chart, demonstrating how to analyze an employee’s PWFA accommodation request

Please scroll down for additional details below.


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  • June 19th Event Details
     June 19, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
  • Virtual Workshop Series on Zoom


The cost to attend the workshop is $250. This cost includes the workshop, a live Q+A session, Legal Advice, Presentation Handouts, and our PWFA Toolkit.

Our PWFA Toolkit is available for purchase $150.

Zoom Information

Upon successful registration, the Zoom login details will be sent to you prior to the start of the workshop.

Have a question for the Q+A session?

Email Kamille Massey


Email Kamille Massey with any questions regarding this workshop.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.